A1. Standing shoulderpress w. dumbells @ 31×1 6-8reps 4set

A2. Fatmanchins / Pulls ups @ 31×1 3-5reps 4set

A3. KB snatches 6-8/arm 4set

”Dont drop’em like they’re hot”
In teams of 2
AMRAP 8min
* one person must hold a tall kneeling frontrack hold with 2xKB in order for reps to count
* each person can’t do more then 10 burpees at the time

Suns out, ?? out! Välkommen som medlem till CrossFit Uppsala Amir aka Sheriffen! ?☀️ #crossfituppsala #community

Ett foto publicerat av Tränarprofil Cfua (@crossfituppsala)