av Coach | nov 6, 2016 | Dagens pass
A. Deadlift 1.1.1 reps 3set – go heavy with perfect form, reset between each rep B. Time cap 25min In teams of 3 ”Baseline or flatline?” 3000m on the rower AMRAP Syncronised burpees until timecap *Divide work as you want in the team Bra stämning vid...
av Coach | nov 6, 2016 | Dagens pass
A. 15min Build to a heavy hang power snatch + 1 OH squat B1. Closegrip benchpress 3-3-2-2-1reps Build per set if possible =) B2. Hanging leg raise @ 31×1 4-6reps 5set C. AMSAP reverse plank...
av Coach | nov 4, 2016 | Dagens pass
A1. Russian step up w KB at the side of the body 4-6reps/leg 4set A2. Tall kneeling shoulderpress w dumbbells 4-6reps 4set A3. Single arm ring rows @ 20×1 4-6reps/arm 4set B. ”Short and sweet” 4 rounds of 12 dbl KB swings 9 sit ups 6 Plate thusters...
av Coach | nov 1, 2016 | Dagens pass
Uppsamlingsdag 5-6sets 2-3 squating pallofpress/side @ 2222 30-40cal rowing/AD/AB/Skierg 4-5 TTB or hanging knee raise rest 2.30min Hållningsanalys är ett bra första steg för att se hur kroppens strukturer balanserar varandra, och vi kan bilda oss en bra första bild...
av Coach | nov 1, 2016 | Dagens pass
A. In 15min Build to a heavy complex of 1 powerclean + 1 hang powerclean B1. Pull up / ringrow @ 20×1 4-5 reps 3set B2. Windmills 4 reps (2+2) 3set *Build the windmills per set if possible, but control and form comes first! C. EMOM 10 min Odd 8-10 plank transfers...
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