Torsdag 2017-01-12

A. 15min build to a challenging complex of 1x powerclean 1x frontsquat 1xjerk anyhow B. 6 set 30sec Ball slams 30sec rest C 6 set 30sec KB swings 30sec rest D. 6 set 30sec Burpees 30sec rest D. AMSAP Sideplank right and left Härliga komplex – Bygg till utmanande...

Onsdag 2017-01-11

A1. Weighted pull up /Pull up / ring row 3-5 @ 30×1 4set (if possible heavier then last week) A2. 2x split jerk, start from rack 4set A3. Sideplank row w. rubberband @ 2222 4-5reps/side 4set B. In teams of 2 8 min Time Cap 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 and so on –...

Tisdag 2017-01-10

A. Back squat @ 30×1 3-3-2-1 *build per set, all lifts with perfect form B1. Skull crushers w dumbbells @30×1 6-8reps 3set B2. TGU 2-4reps/arm 3set C. 6 rounds of 6 push ups 6 thusters w plate/ 2xKB / bar 6 situps OPTIONAL Skill of the week EMOM 10min even...

Måndag 2017-01-09

Uppsamlingsdag 3-4sets 20-30sec tall kneeling OH hold w. 2x KB 30-40cal rowing/AD/AB/Skierg 6-8 plank salute / arm rest 2min Ta igen dina missade pass. Kombinera gärna en styrkedel med ovan nyttiga ”flås”-del. 😉   16.1 utomhus på nyårsafton utomhus?...

Söndag 2017-01-08

A1. Deadlift 5reps 5 set B1. Powellraise @ 30×1 6-8reps/arm 4set B2. Crossover step up w KB in frontrack 6-8reps/leg 4set B. In teams of 3 Timecap 20min ”Carry me home” Divide work as you want 100 Plate thrusters 100 Single arm KB clean and Jerk 100...