Fredag 2017-04-07

Uppsamlingsdag 3-5set work/rest 1-1 Rodd 650m or AD 30cal or AB 25cal or Löpning 500m ”The aerobic beast” 30days to complete following challenges for the box Rodd 50.000m AD/AB 10.000cal Löpning 2 mil The goals are being worked towards by the whole box...

Torsdag 2017-04-06

A. RDL @ 21×1 6-8reps 4set B. ”Team 300FYish” Timecap 25min 300 cal on the rower as a team of 2 -Each member must row 10cal minimum and 30cal maximum before changing rower. -Every 50 cal the whole team performs 8 syncronized burpees before they start...

Onsdag 2017-04-05

A1 Dumbell benchpress @ 30×1 8-10reps 3set A2. Hammer curls / barbellcurls @ 40×0 8-10 3set A3. Triceps pull downs with rubberband @ 30×1 8-10reps 3set B. The final count up AMRAP 6min 3 KB swings 3 Burpees 6 KB Swings 6 Burpees 9 KB swings 9 Burpees...

Tisdag 2017-04-04

A. 15-20min 1x Power Snatch + 1x hang Power Snatch 5set B. 10 min AMRAP 10 ball slams 10 alternating KB snatch (5+5) 2 Elephantwalks rest 5min 10 min AMRAP 10 burpees 10 sit ups 20 sec plankhold Träningsveckans andra snatchpass! Tänk på att ta med tekniken från förra...

Måndag 2017-04-03

Uppsamlingsdag 3-5set work/rest 1-1 Rodd 650m or AD 30cal or AB 25cal or Löpning 500m ”The aerobic beast” 30days to complete following challenges for the box Rodd 50.000m AD/AB 10.000cal Löpning 2 mil The goals are being worked towards by the whole box...