Tisdag 2017-05-23

Uppsamlingsdag 6-7set work/rest 1-1 Rodd 650m or AD 30cal or AB 25cal or Löpning 500m ”The aerobic beast” 30days to complete following challenges for the box Rodd 50.000m AD/AB 10.000cal Löpning 2 mil The goals are being worked towards by the whole box...

Måndag 2017-05-22

A. Deadlift 5reps 5set B. In teams of 3 20min AMRAP ”Looped state of mind” 3 burpees 6 push ups 9 airsquats P1. 3 burpees 6 push ups 9 airsquats P2. Passive hang or rest P3. Passive hang or rest *one person must hold a passive hang in order for reps to...

Söndag 2017-05-21

A1.Close grip benchpress @ 30×1 3reps 4set A2. Hammercurls @ 40×1 6-8reps 4set A3. Skull crushers w dumbbell @ 30×1 3-5reps/side 4set B. ”mellan Inger” 3round 20KBsvingar 20 Burpees Vilken söndag – treat yourself – Bänk, Skull...

Lördag 2017-05-20

A. 15-20min 1x power snatch 1x hang power snatch 5set B. 10set 30sec Burpees 30sec rest C . 10 set 30sec Alt Kettlebell snatch 30sec rest Svettfest utlovas i 20 set av Burpees och Snatch – pace yourself   Testing Testing! Trevlig helg gott folk! ?...

Fredag 2017-05-19

Uppsamlingsdag 7-6-set work/rest 1-1 Rodd 650m or AD 30cal or AB 25cal or Löpning 500m ”The aerobic beast” 30days to complete following challenges for the box Rodd 50.000m AD/AB 10.000cal Löpning 2 mil The goals are being worked towards by the whole box...