Söndag 2016-08-21

Uppsamlingsdag 2-4 1000m row/skierg vila 2.30 or 2-4 sets of: 80 cal @ AD / 50 cal @ AB vila 2.30 or 2-4 sets of: 800m running vila 2.30 Project Bulletproof A1. Tall kneeling pallofpress @ 2222 4-5reps/side 3set A2. Bottoms up single arm frontrack carry with KB...

Lördag 2016-08-20

A. Deadlift 1.1.1 reps 4set – go heavy with perfect form, reset between each rep B1. Hammer curls @ 40×0 6-8reps 3set B2. 4-5 Heavy TGU 3set C. Time cap 25min In teams of 3 ”If murph was a rower” 160cal row 100push ups 100airquats 100 sit ups...

Torsdag 2016-08-18

”A1. Backward lunge w 2xKB /plate shoulderpress 4-5reps/leg 4set A2. Renegaderow 6-8/arm 4set A3. Powellraise @ 30×1 6-8reps/side 4 set B. AMRAP 10min In teams of 2 ”i go you go” 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 KB snatches Burpees * person one dose 1 KB...

Onsdag 2016-08-17

Uppsamlingsdag 2-4 1000m row/skierg vila 2.30 or 2-4 sets of: 80 cal @ AD / 50 cal @ AB vila 2.30 or 2-4 sets of: 800m running vila 2.30 Project Bulletproof A1. Tall kneeling pallofpress @ 2222 4-5reps/side 3set A2. Bottoms up single arm frontrack carry with KB...

Fredag 2016-08-18

A. in 15 min build to a heavy complex of: 1x power snatch 1 x hang power snatch B. 6-8 heavy KB swings 4et C. Spend 8 min and practise handstands solo or with a friend or 10 month shoulderpress @31×1 6-8reps 3set EMOM 15min Min 1,4 and so on: 30-40sec tall...